
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

...and the Oscar goes to

ok, ok...I know a Blog is a responsibility, and I have been terribly negligent!  I am so sorry, someone told me the other day that I was being completely irresponsible.  So I will start being responsible and updating you all. 

Let’s begin…It is winter, in Williston North Dakota.  Duh you say, well winter here is sort of a prison sentence. Its too cold to head outside and too dangerous to travel!!!  Remember we didn't get here until the beginning of February, so I had very little time in the horrendous conditions.  I had myself convinced it was going to be a piece of cake this year, well...NOT! 
We all have Cabin Fever.  Its real, totally and completely real. We are so sick of each other.  The kids are ready to kill each other.  I am kind of tired of being inside of my house and its worse being inside my own head!  I am tired of seeing snow and the sight of sand being dumped on top of snow or ice is even worse…because I know that it is going to take the month of April and May to wash all of that dirt, sand and grime off of the entire town.  Yuck...No double Yuck!
Sometimes, its nice to go shopping and get something new for a little pick me up.  Remember,  if we want some retail therapy we must go to Minot (the nearest Target)a 2 hour drive and we are kinda over the stores and stuff there so the trips out of town are starting to get longer and further away.  Which means more time together. Uuugh, Yeah, I totally want to get in the car with my crabby pants family!!!  More togetherness is not the answer. 
This holiday season was an eye opener.  We were her for Thanksgiving and it was the first time ever that we have been without extended family for really any holiday.  What an adjustment, I don’t suggest it to anyone, unless you are in Hawaii enjoying a sunny day and an umbrella cocktail.  I have a whole other post about Holiday Shopping and Spirit so stay tuned...

                                               Here is our Little Thanksgiving Dinner...Just us!
Christmas was even worse, It didn’t really feel like Christmas, more like any other day.  We opened presents then Ray went to work.  It was kind of a miserable day, I don't think I was prepared for it and the kids definitely weren't. It was just strange, thank goodness for our next door neighbors they came over and enjoyed our Prime Rib Dinner with us and cocktails, many, many cocktail...
Not really for the faint of heart. 

Ray and I are both used to a busy time,during any holiday.  Visiting both families, Christmas Eve,was always at Rays family and about 15 people for dinner and package opening.  The following day spent traveling to my family and about 40 people eating drinking and package opening for HOURS… Thinking Wow this is crazy and boring etc…Nope that was not boring at all.  Christmas at our house in Williston ND was the epitome of boring!!!!  
I guess that’s when the fever set in….I have found that I am more sensitive than I ever have been, take everything personal and really sort of bitchy at home.  I fell like I am becoming quite the actress because I can certainly fake it at work… Its impressive.  I am counting down the days until we leave for California!  Its going to be awesome, visiting friends, hiking the “Bump and Grind” laying in the sun from the moment the sun comes up til the sun goes down!!!  I am so ready.  Until then…The academy award goes to… Mrs. Senior, Queen of the Bakken!

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